

Module 20 digital input



Module 20 digital input

Características principales
  • 20 digital input 24 Vdc ± 25%
  • Current sink optically isolated Inputs
  • 4 inputs configurable as frequency meter up to 1,5 kHz

Datos técnicos


The G3-E20 module has 20 optically isolated digital inputs, 24 VDC, current sink.
It acquires logic signals from contacts, proximity sensors, drives and other IEC61131-2 compatible 24V digital output devices.
G3-E20 can be connected with all the G-Mation G3 modules and bridge from which it receives power supply.
G3-E20 can be used in Ethercat full performance systems.
Each input is protected against reverse polarity and has a dedicated LED to indicate its state.
Each input has an independent software selectable input filter. 4 inputs are software configurable to measure frequencies up to 1,5kHz.

Optically isolated digital inputs, 24Vdc ± 25%
Maximum input voltage: 32V@5mA
Protection against reverse polarity
100Hz and 5KHz software selectable input filters
Isolation > 1.5kV
– Status LED for each input
– Power supply detection LED
– Ethercat protocol status LED