Con vástago


Con vástago

Características principales
  • The transducer has been improved in order to guarantee greater reliability under all conditions
  • A sturdier structure makes the LT series even stronger for applications with heavy vibration
  • Installation is made simpler by the absence of electrical signal variation in output, outside the Theoretical Electrical Stroke
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Datos técnicos

  • The transducer has been improved in order to guarantee greater reliability under all conditions
  • A sturdier structure makes the LT series even stronger for applications with heavy vibration
  • Installation is made simpler by the absence of electrical signal variation in output, outside the Theoretical Electrical Stroke
  • The new grooves provide an excellent alternative to the usual system of fastening with brackets
  • Ideal for applications on plastic injection presses, vertical presses, and on many other processing machines
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Case History
Note Applicative

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Bench test

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Bench test

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